Friday, 13 March 2009

Are You a Jerk?

You Are Not a Jerk

You treat everyone as fairly as possible. You think it's important to be good to people.

You may feel like being rude at times, but you hold back. You are civilized.

While you are considerate, you don't go overboard. You only show others the same respect you'd expect.

Those who want to take advantage of you may accuse you of being a jerk, but in truth, they're the real jerks!

Are You City or Country?

You Are City

You prefer big lights and big dreams over the slow paced life of the country.

You crave excitement, and the city has many opportunities for you.

While you appreciate the peace and quiet of the country, it's a little too quiet.

You need lots people, culture, and action to feel truly alive.

What Color Traffic Light Are You?

You Are a Yellow Light

You take life at a sustainable past. Fast enough to do a lot, but not fast enough to leave everyone behind.

You are open to whatever may come your way in life. You're very receptive.

You are quite thoughtful and knowledgeable. You have the perfect mix of reflection and experience.

You think before you act. You like to know some of the facts before you make a decision.

What Kind of Juice Are You?

You Are Carrot Juice

You are a warm, cooperative person. You work well with others.

While you have a fairly strong personality, you don't have a lot of clashes and conflicts.

You are ambitious, but not ruthlessly so. You won't step on anybody's feet to get to the top.

You are successful, and all your success has come while looking out for others.

What Does Your Birthday Predict About You?

Your Birthday Predicts You're Independent

Ever since you were born, you've loved doing your own thing.

You enjoy puzzles and games. Anything that stretches your mind interests you.

You are a quiet person - often lost in your own thoughts. Others find you completely mysterious.

You have so much fun thinking, dreaming, and planing. You hardly have time for friends.

What Would You Win an Oscar For?

You Would Win Best Actor / Actress

You are confident and talented. When it's time for you to shine, you step up.

You have a strong personality. You love attention, and you can command an audience of any size.

You tend to be a bit obsessive. You're the perfect person to immerse yourself in a big role.

You're both empathetic and expressive. You understand and communicate well.

The Sunset Test

You Crave a Purposeful Life

Your dream is to live a life where you make a difference. You want to effect people.

You don't need to be the one who changes the world, but you would like to change a few lives.

You want to be generous and warm-hearted toward others. Life is hard enough as is.

You believe life is mostly about how you treat other people. What kind of person you are matters.

What's Your True Body Type?

You Are an Endomorph

You have a rounder, softer body type. It's difficult for you to lose weight.

Endomorphs are known for being friendly, generous, and warm.

It's likely that you're a relaxed person who enjoys good times, good people, and good food.

You are warm and affectionate. You provide comfort to others and crave it for yourself.

Are You Flirtatious, Fearless, Factual, or Friendly?

You Are Factual

You are highly intelligent, especially in areas that deal with concrete knowledge and facts.

You are amazingly analytical. You can make sense of chaos without involving your emotions.

If anything, you tend to be overly logical. It's sometimes hard for you to come to a decision, because you're too busy weighing all the options.

People turn to you in times of trouble. They know that they can trust you to give good, well thought out advice.

Are You Coffee or Tea?

You Are Tea

You are mellow and reflective. You don't allow yourself to feel in a rush and frenzied.

You're likely to appreciated the ideas or connections that come up over a warm cup of tea.

While you do enjoy the energy of a caffeine boost, you love that it allows you to take a break.

You're not in a rush to do anything. You're content with your life, and in no rush to change it.

What's Your Valentine's Day Personality?

Your Valentine's Day Personality is Practical

As far as you're concerned, Valentine's Day is simply a commercial holiday.

You don't place any real meaning on it. You don't think it deserves too much celebration.

For you, Valentine's Day is just the day you avoid restaurants and candy stores.

If you love someone, you already show it. You don't need to go all out for a silly holiday to prove your love.

What Aphrodisiac Are You?

You Are Asparagus

You're not exactly subtle. You seduce people by being highly suggestive.

And surprisingly, it works. Your outrageous ways are very appealing.

You always try to look as sexy as possible. Even if it means being a bit inappropriate.

You somehow always manage turn the vibe sexual. You have more fun when everyone is being naughty!

What Internet Slang Are You?

You Are FAIL

You love the internet, but it sometimes gets on your nerves.

How can so much of humanity be so stupid? Wait, you don't even want to know.

While there are some good aspects to being online, you can't help but notice there's so much fail.

You liked the internet so much more in the good old days... before all the idiots found out about it!

What Kind of Communicator Are You?

You Communicate Passionately

You speak from the heart. You can't separate your feelings from what you're saying, even in a professional context.

You tend to speak dramatically, with lots of passion and emotion. It's easy for you to get swept up in what you're saying.

You like to connect with people early on so that you can personalize what you are saying to them.

When you converse, you try to find common ground and harmony. Even if you disagree with someone, you try to emphasize where you agree.

What Girl Scout Cookie Are You?

You Are Caramel deLites / Samosas

You are blessed with a brilliant, dynamic mind. It's sometimes hard to figure out what your focus should be.

You're the type of person who does almost everything well. You are very competent but also unfocused.

You're not an easy person to pin down. You are vibrantly complex.

You have many facets to your personality, and they're often in competition with one another.

What Office Supply Are You?

You Are a Calculator

No matter what someone tells you, you're likely to focus on facts and data.

You're a highly analytic person. You are only concerned with what you can know for sure.

You look at situations objectively, and you have no problem approaching problems from multiple angles.

You would make a good analyst or investment banker. You are confident enough to make tough calls and hard decisions.

What Kind of Kid Were You?

You Were a Creative Kid

When you were a kid, you always had to be doing something with your hands.

Whether you were painting a picture or just doodling, you had to be creating something.

You were too busy thinking about your future creations to listen in school.

It's likely that every part of school was a challenge for you, except for art class.

How Warm Are You?

You Are Lukewarm

You feel open and generous sometimes, but you don't always feel like being friendly.

You're not naturally outgoing or curious about people. Being around others drains your resources.

So considering how you feel, you're actually quite warm. You do your best.

And you often find it easy to be warm toward the people you like the most.

What's Your Energy Level?

Your Energy Level is Very Low

You're so low energy that you don't even have the strength to be chill.

There's a good chance that you're not naturally this way, but lately your resources have been drained.

Relax, rest, eat well, and use the energy you have for some light exercise.

It's all about building your mental and physical health up right now.

What Comfort Food Are You?

You Are Chocolate

When you're stressed out, you crave intense pleasure.

And you're willing to skip a proper meal and proceed directly to the food you like best.

You find solace in hedonism and luxury. You tend to turn your nose up at most traditional comfort foods.

Somewhat surprisingly, trying a new food (especially a new type of chocolate) can be the most comforting thing for you.

What Football Scoring Method Are You?

You Are an Extra Point

You are reliable, steady, and a good team player.

You may not take risks to get glory, but you always deliver on what you promise.

When it comes to what you're good at, you know your stuff. You have years of practice to thank for that.

Your success rate is unmatched. If you say you're good at something, it's likely you're the best.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

What's Your 80s Karaoke Song?

You Are "Love Shack"

If you were transported back to the 80s, you would enjoy anything and everything underground.

You love the alternative aspects of 80s culture, and you're a bit disappointed that they've been forgotten over time.

You'd be goth, punk, new wave, or a rapper. Just not a yuppie, a preppy, or a jock!

You would relish living in a time where identifying with a subculture actually meant something.

Are You Cute or Sexy?

You Are Cute!

Believe it or not, you are much more attractive than you realize.

You don't try too hard, and that's one of the cutest things about you.

You have a vibrant glow about you, and people are drawn to your energy.

You're not perfect, thank goodness. Your flaws are part of what's lovable about you.

What's Your Ideal Island Vacation?

Your Ideal Island Vacation is Nevis

On an island vacation, you need the sun, the beach, the sand, and the ocean.

In other words, it doesn't take much to make you happy. That's what the vacation is for.

Nevis is perfect for a true island vacation aficionado like yourself. It's underrated, small, and laid back.

Sure, it's a slower pace, but that's ideal. You won't be overwhelmed with activities, and you'll take the time to truly relax.

What's Your Medieval Profession?

You Are a Playwright

You are a highly literate wordsmith. You love both reading and writing.

You are also a natural storyteller. You can turn a mediocre anecdote into a riveting tale.

You find people and all aspects of life fascinating. No topic is off limits for you.

In modern times, you would make a good filmmaker or novelist.

How Assertive Are You?

You Are Assertive

You assert yourself whenever it's necessary, but you're always polite and appropriate about it.

You're not a bully, a manipulator, or a nag. You just state what you need quickly and honestly.

You've been assertive for so long that it just comes naturally to you. You're definitely not shy.

People wonder why you get what you want in life. Well, it's because you ask for it!

What's Your International Spy Name?

Your International Spy Name is Anaconda Caruso

Your Code Name: Dynamo

You Reside in: St. Petersburg

Why You're a Good Spy: You're a good liar

Who Are You on LOST?

You Are Hurley

To the outside observer, you're a happy-go-lucky, fun person.

And it's true that you know how to have a good time.

You can make the best of a bad situation. You love making other people smile.

You're also quite level headed. You're often the voice of reason during chaotic times.

However, there's a lot more inner turmoil going on than most people realize.

You sometimes wonder if you're going crazy, and you even wonder if you're cursed.

How Much Do You Know About Barack Obama?

You Got 4/10 Questions Right

You are by no means an Obama expert, but you know a few things about him.

You may (or may not) be a fan, but you definitely don't consider yourself an Obamamaniac.

You may not know Obama's favorite movie or ice cream flavor, but you know the basics.

And that's enough for you to be a fully informed citizen!

The Sandwich Cookie Personality Test

You Are Spontaneous and Bold

You are responsible, detail oriented, and fairly conservative. Some people may even say you're a bit uptight.

You seek harmony and balance in your life. You prefer to work with a partner.

You're fun loving and playful. You never take life too seriously.

You seek sensations in your life. You crave excitement and love risks.

Are You a Procrastinator?

You Are a Bit of a Procrastinator

You tend to get things done in a timely manner, but you can't help but put off tasks you hate.

You have no problem getting the fun or easy stuff done. You generally enjoy taking care of responsibilities.

However, if a task arises that you dislike, it might get shelved for a long time.

And even though it's human nature to procrastinate, your procrastination is hindering your productivity.

Take a look at the things you are putting off doing. Do they really need to be done?

Complete any task that's important. The other stuff you're procrastinating is probably not worth doing.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

What's Your Friendship Style?

Your Friendship Style is Independent

You love your friends, but you don't always need them as much as they need you.

You like to do your own thing. Sometimes this means taking a break from your friends and carving your own path.

As long as your friends give you the space you need, you are happy to be there for them whenever you can.

Your friends lean on you for advice and problem solving. You tend to be "the rock."

You and an Empathetic Friend: Go well together. Your Empathetic Friend understand and accepts you... but may be too needy sometimes.

You and a Gregarious Friend: Get along well, as long as your Gregarious Friend is happy to only see you occasionally.

You and another Independent Friend: Have a love / hate thing going on. When you agree, things are blissful. However, more often than not, you butt heads.

You and a Philosophical Friend: Are somewhat a matter of opposites attract. You're both thinkers, but you think very differently.

What Keyboard Key Are You?

You Are "ctrl"

Some people might try to say that you're too controlling.

And while there is a controlling aspect to your personalty, you like to think you're competent.

You are an expert in many fields. You tend to really know your stuff.

You tend to take the reins whenever it's needed. You like to lead, and people like to follow you.

What Sign Do You Attract?

You Attract a Virgo

When hard working, honest, perfectionist Virgo meet you, they've met their match.

Virgo want to be proud of their partner, and you can rise to a Virgo's high standards.

Your Virgo has a lot of life advice and wisdom to impart. And you're willing to listen.

You don't mind your Virgo taking a teacher role in your relationship. You don't take criticism or suggestions personally.

What Winter Hat Are You?

You Are a Beret

You are a creative, imaginative, and even artistic person.

You use fashion to express yourself. This is especially true of accessories.

You are flamboyantly unique, and you pride yourself in having distinct style.

You are willing to take fashion risks and laugh at yourself if they end up fashion crimes!

What Kind of Pancakes Are You?

You Are Buckwheat Pancakes

You prefer healthy, foods made with whole ingredients.

You shy away from anything refined, high fat, or with too many scary ingredients.

It's not likely someone would find high fructose corn syrup or trans fats in your kitchen.

Instead, someone might find a huge, interesting salad or stir fry being prepared.

What's Your Word?

Your Word is "Fearless"

You see life as your one chance to experience everything, and you just go for it!

You believe the biggest risk is being afraid and missing out on something amazing.

Sometimes your fearlessness means you're daring. You enjoy risky activities.

And sometimes your fearlessness means you're courageous. You're brave enough to do the right thing, even when it's scary.

How Many People Will You Sleep With?

You Will Sleep With 1 Person

Better get cracking!

What Metal Are You?

You Are Gold

You are almost universally admired. People strive to be like you.

You are also highly valued. Your friendship, approval, and advice are all considered priceless.

You live an inspiring, fortunate life. Not many people are as lucky as you are.

But you haven't gotten to where you are on luck alone. You are incredibly competitive and ambitious.

What Does Your Belly Button Say About You?

You Are Puzzled Over

You are quirky, complicated, and brilliant. You tend to feel a bit misunderstood by everyone, and that troubles you.

It's likely that you will have two or three children. You can conceive pretty easily.

You find yourself overjoyed, and you love to laugh. It's easy to make you smile.

You are very detail oriented and tidy. Some may even call you obsessive.

You are quite conservative. You are neither a flirter or a flaunter.

How Kissable Are You?

You Are 95% Kissable

You are extremely kissable. People dream about and enjoy kissing you.

You smell great and have an attractive smile. You take good care of yourself.

And to the right person, you look like you're just waiting to be kissed.

You seem effortlessly kissable - even though being kissable does take a lot of effort!

Friday, 6 March 2009

How Much Do You Remember 2008?

You Remember 40% of 2008

Okay, you were somewhat paying attention during 2008.

But you're not going to impress anyone with your knowledge of what went down.

You know the basics about what went down, but little else...

Let's just say you won't be writing the history book for 2008.

What Should You Resolve to Change Next Year?

You Should Make 3 Resolutions

Lose Weight

Get Fit

Volunteer to Help Others

How Do You Really Feel About Your Family?

You Feel Nurturing Toward Your Family

You like to persuade your family that you are right about things. You like to be the leader in your family.

You feel like your family is prone to too many arguments and instability. You never feel like things can be completely peaceful.

When times get difficult, you are able to be the adult in your family. You are able to keep your family together.

You are honest and very outspoken with your family. You sometimes hurt feelings by saying things they don't want to hear.

Do You Spread Holiday Cheer?

You Spread Some Holiday Cheer

You do your best to give time, money, and joy during the holidays.

You don't always spread cheer to everyone, but you do the best.

Unlike most people, you actually spend time reflecting on the meaning of the holidays.

And you worry more about doing the right thing than getting the right presents.

What Color Christmas Lights Are You?

You Are Gold Lights

Your holidays are a time of abundance and riches.

Even if you don't have a lot during the rest of the year, this is the time that you splurge a little.

Your holidays traditions tend to be a bit old fashioned and dignified.

You like old holiday movies, properly wrapped presents, and family recipes passed down over the years.

What Holiday Cookie Are You?

You Are a Peanut Butter Kiss Cookie

You are a social, friendly, caring person.

You are good at helping people. You have a very giving heart.

You are a natural teacher or counselor. You get value from making someone's life better.

You are trustworthy, and a natural problem solver.

What Does Your Christmas Say About You?

Your Christmas is Modern

Your wish for the New Year is a more exciting romantic life.

For you, Christmas is secular holiday. Religion doesn't play a big part in it.

You are patient when it comes to Christmas. You don't celebrate too early, and you don't like seeing holiday decorations in October.

You like Christmas traditions, but you're not uptight about them. You do things your way.

You like to celebrate Christmas your own way, and you don't like to have to compromise.

You enjoy Christmas, but you find it to be a bit of a burden at times.

You give a big during the holidays but nowhere near as much as you'd like to.

The Wrapping Paper Test

You Are Merry and Spontaneous

You approach the holidays with joy and playfulness.

You refuse to let the holidays be stressful. They should only be about fun.

The holidays truly make you feel like a kid again.

And you believe it's your job to make everyone else feel like a kid too!

Of all the types, you're the most likely to give someone a gift early... because you can't wait.

You're also the most likely to wrap your presents quickly - or not at all.

How Many Languages Can You Say "Merry Christmas" In?

You Can Say "Merry Christmas" in 6 Languages

You can say "Merry Christmas" in:





